Miami Limo Rates
Miami Limo Rates and Car Service Rates for Miami and Fort Lauderdale. is the for most authority of limo service in Miami. Why is that? Ask yourself The question: What has to offer more that their competition. And the answer is: FLAT RATE LIMO SERVICE. Why should I choose a Miami-Limo? MEET AND GREET is a service we provide at an airport in which our drivers go the extra mile for passengers. Rather than waiting outside on the curb for your vehicle, your driver will meet you inside the airport and help you to the vehicle with any luggage you may have. STANDART MEET AND GREET! FREE Upgrade to a SUV!
NO Cancelation Fees!
NO Credit Card Needed for Reservation!
NO Late Arrival Fees!
NO Per Person Charge! NO Airport Fees!
NO Parking Fees!
NO Fuel Charges Fees!
20% Gratuity is included in our FLAT RATE! 24/7 DISPATCH : (305) 414-1111
Miami Limo Rates
Senior Citizen Transportation Rates Miami